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Let's Win with Lynne

Ways You Can Help

Door-to-Door Canvassing:

Volunteers can knock on doors in neighborhoods within the district to engage with voters, distribute campaign literature, and share information about the candidate's platform.

Phone Banking:

Volunteers can make phone calls to registered voters to discuss the candidate's platform, answer questions, and encourage voter turnout on election day.

Event Staffing:

Volunteers can help organize and staff campaign events, such as rallies, town hall meetings, fundraisers, and community forums, to ensure they run smoothly and effectively.

Data Entry and Administration:

Volunteers can assist with data entry, managing voter databases, and administrative tasks to organize campaign activities and track voter outreach efforts.

Social Media Outreach:

Volunteers can help manage the candidate's social media accounts, create content, engage with followers, and amplify the campaign's message online.

Sign Waving and Visibility:

Volunteers can hold signs, wave banners, and show support for the candidate at busy intersections, events, and high-traffic areas to increase visibility and awareness.   

Fundraising Support:

Volunteers can assist with fundraising efforts by hosting events, making phone calls to donors, writing thank-you notes, and helping with donor outreach and stewardship.


Community Outreach and Networking:

Volunteers can represent the campaign at community events, fairs, farmers' markets, and local meetings to build relationships, gain endorsements, and expand the candidate's support base.


Literature Distribution:

Volunteers can distribute campaign literature, yard signs, bumper stickers, and other promotional materials in the community to raise awareness and support for the candidate.


Poll Monitoring and Election Day Support:

Volunteers can serve as poll watchers, poll greeters, and election day volunteers to ensure a fair and smooth voting process and assist voters at polling locations.


Issue Advocacy and Education:

Volunteers can help educate voters about key issues, policies, and initiatives relevant to the campaign, as well as advocate for the candidate's positions through outreach efforts and community education events.

By volunteering in one these ways, you can make a meaningful contribution to our campaign and help support Lynne so We can Win! 

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